Can you rock the sway?
Join us at the Powel Crosley Mansion for lively debates on issues that some consider “too hot to handle” where our modified Oxford-style debate gives us civil discourse designed to sway through both factual information and rhetorical skill. Attendees are asked their position on the topic of the day before and after the debate–the success of the participants being judged on those they sway from their initial positions. SRQ launched SB2 to bring together our two sister counties with collaborative programming-now, with our Rumbles we will inspire a return to respectful disagreement, and admiration of the art of rhetoric and a reminder that we should always challenge our own preconceptions in the face of overwhelming evidence.
The audience decides who has the winning argument based on which team swayed the most votes.
Motion: School vouchers will harm public education more than they will help.
Tickets are $25 per person.
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