Sarasota Underground is now on Slack
We’re using Slack to manage internal communications, and are inviting the public to join us as we grow our organization from the ground up.
We’re building a new-media company with a focus on using technology to amplify the voice of area young professionals, empower creative entrepreneurs, and drive local commerce. Part of that process is keeping our entire operation accessible to anyone who wants to get involved.
To that extent, we have chosen to use Slack to manage our internal communications, and are also inviting the public to join us as we organize for action across a number of initiatives.
Slack has free web, desktop and mobile apps, and will be ground zero for all of our operations on the Sarasota Underground. It is what we use to manage the internal communications of our software startups, and we thought it would be the perfect tool to manage the Sarasota Underground communications infrastructure.
It’s simple to use, and I’m pretty confident that if you give it a chance, you will agree.
Register for the Sarasota Underground today to connect with a couple hundred of the most active members of the Sarasota Underground community who are connected through our Slack channel.